martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de buenos h脙隆bitos de comida

7 food habits for healthy life_:


1.    Keep hydrated, always: Drink a variety of liquids, 90% of them must be close to 0 calories.

 2. Plan. Avoid becoming comfortable with a lifestyle that allows you to do food on the fly or on the run

3.  Eat veggies with every meal. 100% of your meals should have veggies.

4.    Snack on foods that matter. Include fruits, veggies and nuts.

5.    Think of common snacks such as chips, pizza, brownies, and cookies as “once in a while treats.”Don’t look at them as foods that fulfill your physical needs.

6.    Say goodbye to the top culprits of bad health habits such as sodas and candy bars.  Limit alcohol and say “NO” to all artificial preservatives and food coloring.

7.    Take the time to eat. No more eating in a hurry. Sit and eat, chew your food. Allow the flavors to permeate you mouth. 

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de fairness
馃帺. the definition of fairness is like justice

This word means that we are all equal and that we all share the same.

A society that has this value would not have ranges because everyone would be at the same level and nobody would be better than anyone

the relationship:
馃帺the relationship between these two issues would be to be fair when we talk about food because many people would give everything for the leftovers left at our table as many do not have to eat a piece of bread
Many people do not care about this issue because they only think about their own wellbeing and not about others, thinking that if they eat the rest it will be fine, and it is not because many people just want some food and they can not have it, for me this is a very sad topic because even if we care a lot we are still the same and we do not change